Blacktip Island Stages Pre-Hurricane Party

hurricane season party

Hurricane cocktails will take center stage at Blacktip Island’s island-wide pre-hurricane party Saturday, marking the start of the 2024 season. (photo courtesy of NOLAskip)

Blacktip Island community leaders have scheduled an island-wide pre-hurricane party Saturday to mark the start of the Atlantic hurricane season on the small Caribbean island.

“People always wait ‘til the hurricane’s on top of ‘em to have a party,” Chamber of Commerce president Harry Wrasse said. “This year, we decided to throw a general hurricane-season party in case one comes through tomorrow and wipes us out. Kind of a memento mori, if you will, knowing this party could be our last.

“It’ll bring the community together as, well, a community, with members who know they can count on each other in a storm,” Wrasse said. “It’ll focus everybody on coming together as a team for the next six months. Then we can all go back to squabbling.”

Organizers emphasized the positive aspects of the event.

“The way we see it, this is getting out in front of hurricane season,” de facto mayor Jack Cobia said. “If we’ve already had the party, we’re less likely to get hit by a big storm. It’s a proactive celebration aimed at shooing hurricanes away.”

Some were skeptical of the event.

“Gonna have the opposite effect Harry and them think,” Rosie Bottoms said. “Idiots are gonna jinx us for the season. Bring a big-ass storm down on us. Maybe more than one. You don’t spit in Mother Nature’s eye like this without consequences. Best thing to do it not think about storms, hope for the best. But no, we got to do this nonsense.”

Others focused on the party’s details.

“It’ll start early in the day, with half-priced hurricane drinks for everyone,” Doris Blenny said. “We flew in multiple cases of hurricane glasses just for this. Then, once the sun goes down, we’ll have a beach bonfire for everyone to enjoy.

“The highlight, though, will be the hurricane costume contest,” Blenny said. “Contestants will dress as specific, historical hurricanes, with interpretation left to each individual. It’s already proving popular—the store is sold out of cotton balls, and island resorts are reporting pillows stolen and the stuffing ripped out, with folks needing clouds for their get ups.”

The event will also feature live music by island bands, including:

  • Social Morays
  • Young Jacques and the Double Hose
  • Duck on a Junebug
  • Ivan and the Embolizers

Bands will play hurricane-themed songs, including:

  • Like a Hurricane
  • Riders on the Storm
  • Rock You Like a Hurricane
  • Hurricane Drunk
  • Ridin’ the Storm Out
  • Stormy Weather
  • Jumpin’ Jack Flash

Proceeds from the event will go to restocking the rum supply in the island’s hurricane shelter.

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