Monthly Archives: February 2019

Vandals Declare War On Blacktip Island Tank Bangers

tank banger

A stainless steel pointer stick, clipped to a buoyancy compensator in the Blacktip Haven resort drying shed, is the only underwater noisemaker left on Blacktip Island following a spate of vandalism and thefts of noisemaking devices on the small Caribbean island. (photo courtesy of Leah Shore)

Blacktip Island scuba resorts were on alert Friday following a rash of vandalism to underwater noise-making devices. The incidents have been blamed on divers angered at excessive noise on the Caribbean island’s reefs.

“It started with tank bangers – the rubber straps with the plastic balls people put around their tanks,” Eagle Ray Divers operations manager Ger Latner said. “We went out to the boats one morning and every rubber strap had been cut, and the bangers left on the deck. The ones on BCs in the drying shed, too. And unattended dive bags.

“Over the next few days other noisemakers started disappearing,” Latner said. “Rattlers, quackers, caribeeners, metal pokey sticks, everything. Guests are scared to tap on their tanks with a dive light for fear someone’ll steal the light.”

Dive professionals are divided over who the culprit might be and his or her motivation.

“It’s gotta be some drunk doing it on a dare,” Blacktip Haven divemaster Leah Shore said. “It is kind of funny, all these annoying things going away and no one having a clue why. My guess is a cranky divemaster who’s fed up with the noise.”

Others suspect more sinister motives.

“We got a note claiming responsibility from an organization calling itself the Silent World Alliance,” Club Scuba Doo owner Ham Pilchard said. “They say they’re striking back against underwater noise pollution, and that people with noise makers are stressing the fish.

“That’s an aggressive act,” Pilchard said. “And leaving cut bangers on the deck? What’s that if not a threat? Someone’s targeting our dive guests with violence. If the police won’t step in, well, we have web cams and lionfish spears that’ll solve the problem.”

Island authorities downplayed the incidents.

“It’s minor vandalism to items with little or no value. Or usefulness,” Island Police Constable Rafe Marquette said. “There’s nothing to investigate. Or any action to take aside from telling people to safeguard their noisemakers.”

“There’s also zero credible evidence the perpetrator is a terrorist organization,” Marquette said. “And even if there was, there’s no statute outlawing silliness. If there was, I’d have to arrest most of the island.”

Island guests took the matter more seriously.

“My tank banger was a wedding gift. Now it’s ruined,” Kenny Chromis said. “If this is the sort of thing one can expect on this island, and the sort of lack of response from the police, we won’t be back.”

Many dive professionals remained unconcerned.

“Banging on tanks was way out of hand,” Club Scuba Doo dive manager Finn Kiick said. “People go diving to ditch uncool loud noises, not to hear a bunch of banging and clattering and rattling every time someone sees a barracuda.

“Damaging equipment’s not OK, but diving’s been a lot more chill this week,” Kiick said. “Whether a joke or aggro, whoever’s doing it deserves a medal. You bang a tank, it better be for something major.”

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Blacktip Island Drinkers Launch Duck Duck Goose League


The logo for the new Blacktip Island Duck Duck Goose League, launched this week by the Caribbean island’s domino players. (graphic courtesy of SeizureDog)

A group of Blacktip Island dominoes enthusiasts this week launched the Blacktip Island Duck Duck Goose League, the Caribbean’s first ongoing duck duck goose competition, based on the popular children’s game, organizers said.

“Bunch of us sitting around, you know, two playing dominoes and six watching, and we wanted to do something different,” James Conlee said. “Turns out, duck duck goose is a perfect drinking game. Everyone can play.

“Got simple rules and checks how drunk you are,” Conlee said. “Everybody sits in a circle, facing in, and one player walks behind them tapping each ‘duck’s’ head until he picks a ‘goose.’ Then the goose chases the picker to keep from being the next picker.”

Players say the game is more challenging than it seems.

“Gets harder when more people’re playing, ‘cause you got to run farther,” Peachy Bottoms said. “And if you’re the goose a bunch, you can get sick from all the running. It’s not a kids game anymore. We made it a sport.

“Drinking’s required, just like in dominoes, and each player has to take a drink between rounds,” Bottoms said. “Only other rule is you can’t run with your drink. We had too many spilled drinks and fights breaking out over that.”

Players say game strategy is constantly evolving.

“It’s a game of wits, more than anything,” Clete Horn said. “Antonio’s unholy hell. It’s like he knows you’re going to ‘goose’ him. And Lee Helm’s slow on the uptake, but he’s fast. He’ll catch you every time. There’s a trick to beating them, but I’m not sharing.

“Then after dark, there’s a bonfire in the center of the ring that complicates things,” Horn said. “Makes it hard to tell who’s who, especially when the booze kicks in. I’ve picked more than one goose I wished was a duck late in the evenings.”

Island authorities were ambivalent about the league.

“Anything that keeps that crew occupied, not fighting and off the road is a blessing,” Island Police Constable Rafe Marquette said. “The game’s popular, so I know right where to find the troublemakers.

“On the other hand, people are wagering on who’ll win,” Marquette said. “There’s a lot of illegal money changing hands. I’ve had to arrest three people already for gambling, and the jail only has the one cell.”

The game has proved popular with island visitors as well.

“We stumbled across it exploring the island,” Sandy Bottoms Beach Resort guest Louise Limpet said. “We wandered behind the store and there were grown ups chasing each other around a circle.

“After a while, a couple of us joined in,” Limpet said. “It’s like being in kindergarten again. But with beer.”

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Blacktip Island Divemaster Discovers ‘Living Fossil’ Caribbean Coelacanth


A photo of the previously-unknown coelacanth relative discovered by Blacktip Island scuba divers Wednesday afternoon. (photo courtesy of Alberto Fernandez Fernandez)

A Blacktip Island divemaster scuba diving on the Caribbean island’s rugged east coast Wednesday discovered a previously-unknown fish, closely related to the ‘living fossil’ coelacanth native to the Indian Ocean.

“We went in from shore on a day off,” Eagle Ray Divers’ Alison Diesel said. “I shined my light under a ledge and Whammo! There’s this gnarly-ass fish I’d only seen in photos.

“I thought I was narked, but I shook my head a couple of times and it was still there,” Diesel said. “Alberto took photos to prove it. That sucker was as big as me. The fish, not Alberto.”

Marine biologists confirmed the photos were of a coelacanth-like fish.

“It’s not a coelacanth, but it’s certainly a Latimeriidae,” Tiperon University-Blacktip ichthyology chair George Grasby said. “Judging by the fins and scales, it probably dates to the early Eocene Epoch – just post K-T extinction event.

“We’re calling it the deelacanth, since that’s the next step up, alphabetically and evolution-wise,” Graysby said. “It also ties in with our tentative genus-species, since we’ve named it Latimeria dieselius after Alison.”

Researchers are keeping the deelacanth’s location and depth secret to safeguard the discovery.

“The last thing we need is some yahoo snagging this thing and selling it to the highest bidder,” marine biology professor Lucille Ray said. “All I’ll say is it’s down deeper than diving guests go, but that doesn’t rule out scuba cowboys or hand-line fishermen.

“Our researchers are the only ones diving there now, but they can’t stay that deep for long,” Ray said. “We’ve got technical gear coming in so we can equip everyone properly. We hope to find more than one dieselius and, ideally, a breeding population.”

Other scientists disputed how to best study the fish.

“Someone’s gotta bring a deelacanth to the lab so we can examine it properly,” TU-B visiting marine biology professor Chester Balao said. “Going down to look at it’s a fine thing, but it’s not doing anyone any good just swimming around down there. We’ve got to be able to cut one up and see what makes it tick.”

Local dive operations are launching technical diving programs in response to the discovery.

“They can’t keep this thing under wraps forever,” Eagle Ray Divers operations manager Ger Latner said. “There’s no secrets on Blacktip, and folks’ll pay top dollar to dive with something they’ve only seen on National Geographic.

“Only other place in the world to see these critters is East Africa and Indonesia,” Latner said. “All those live down around 300 feet, so we’ll be set up with mixed gasses, multi-tank rigs, the whole shebang. We’ve got ‘Have We Got A Deel For You’ t-shirts and caps and water bottles, too.”

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Brawl Closes Blacktip Island Botanical Garden On Opening Day


One of the few endangered Blacktip Island ghost orchid plants to survive Thursday’s brawl at the Blacktip Island Botanical Garden dedication ceremony. (photo courtesy of Reg Gurnard)

Blacktip Island’s new botanical garden was closed indefinitely during its opening ceremony Thursday when a brawl between rival gardening factions destroyed the facility’s entrance and many of its just-transplanted flora, island officials said.

“There was a dispute over who to name the garden after, with the crowd split evenly between two sides,” Island Police Constable Rafe Marquette said. “Several instigators began taunting each other and the violence escalated from there.

“Nearly 40 attendees were involved in the melee,” Marquette said. “The area has been cleared of people, and the garden will be closed until we can guarantee public safety at the site.”

Witnesses say the altercation resulted from simmering resentment in the island’s gardening community.

“I’m third-generation Blacktip Island Garden Society,” Molly Goby said. “My granddaddy founded the club. The garden should be named after him, out of respect, not some Johnny-come-lately who threw a bunch of money at it.”

Others disagreed.

“We contribute money and hard work,” Helen Maples said. “Who do you think paid for the land clearing and the gravel for the pathways? And trimmed the verges by hand?”

“Yes, we are changing the island,” Maples said. “For the better. That’s called ‘improving’ it. There would be no land for the Botanical Garden if it weren’t for us.”

Bystanders described a chaotic scene at the ceremony.

“The reverend had just started the opening prayer when someone yelled something about ‘golden trowels,’” Eagle Ray Cove resort guest Bill Fisch said. “The next thing you know people were at each others throats, flailing with gardening gloves, rakes, flower pots, even unplanted saplings.

“The tragedy is all the rare plants destroyed,” Fisch said. “Those poor orchids never had a chance. We kept our distance so we didn’t get dragged into it. And so we could video it. It’s all on YouTube now.”

Some locals say the brawl came as no surprise.

“Politics gets nasty with the garden set because the stakes are so small,” Belinda Graysby said. “Serving free alcohol at the pre-opening reception didn’t help, either. Both factions were lit, armed and looking for a fight.

“This kind of thing happens more often than you’d think,” Graysby said. “And they can call it a ‘botanical garden’ all they want, but it’s really just a path through the weeds. But saying that will start a riot, too.”

Some society members are pushing for a compromise to placate both sides.

“We floated ‘Goby Botanical Garden at Maples Park,’” BIGS secretary Reg Gurnard said. “But half our members pushed for ‘Maples Garden and Goby Park.’ ‘Goby-Maples’ and ‘Maples-Goby’ had the same result.

“The only option no one totally hates is naming it after ‘Tonio Fletcher, since he has no connection to the garden or gardening and, frankly, has a black thumb when it comes to plants,” Gurnard said. “We’re leaning toward ‘Antonio Fletcher Memorial Garden’ after all the plants that’ve died at his hands.”

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